
Learning from the Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Fall 2021 Session

Bengal Institute, with Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC), is organising a special course on architecture that shapes our thinking and practice.

The Aga Khan Award for Architecture remains one of the most influential institutions shaping the discourse of architecture today. Through the awards program, as well as conferences and publications, the Aga Khan Award for Architecture set the tone of how architecture should take shape in the culture and life-world of a region.

Sponsored by the Education Programme of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC), Bengal Institute will be organising a month-long academic session that offers a unique opportunity of learning about the program. Using the rich archive and resources of the Award program, and bringing together award winning architects, and prominent scholars as faculties, and members of the communities benefited by the Award, the session will offer a unique learning experience.

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The month-long program is to start from November 2021, comprising of evening sessions, 3 to 4 times a week. The program will be free of charge. However, a nominal administrative fee will be required.

Besides online classes, there will be some outdoor activities, such as site visits, depending on the circumstances with regards to the pandemic.

Faculties for the program:

Howayda al-Harithy, scholar on Arab cities and professor at American University at Beirut, Lebanon

Katharine Bartsch, professor, University of Adelaide, Australia

Saif Ul Haque, architect, Dhaka

Perween Hasan, art historian and VC Central Women’s University, Dhaka

Konrad Ng, executive director, Shangri La, Honolulu, USA

Suha Ozkan, architect and former secretary-general of the Aga Khan Award, Turkey

Eike Roswag-Klinge, architect, Berlin

Hasan-Uddin Khan, architect, writer, and former editor of MIMAR magazine, USA.

Shahira Fahmy, principal of Shahira Fahmy Architects, Egypt

Adnan Morshed, professor, Catholic University of America, Washington DC, USA.

Marina Tabassum, architect, Dhaka

Kazi Khaleed Ashraf, Bengal Institute, Dhaka

…..and more speakers to be announced soon! To know about the registration process and further information, visit the Bengal Institute website.

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