
The Blue Planet – National Aquarium, Denmark

Written by Fatematuzzohra Suha

An amazing experience combined with peace and tranquility is the best way to explain The National Aquarium Denmark – Den Blå Planet. It is Northern Europe’s biggest and best in class aquarium.

It is advantageously situated close to the Metro, railroad associations, motorway and Copenhagen Airport. Regardless of whether you touch base via land, ocean or air, you can’t miss the National Aquarium Denmark. Sanctum Blå Planet offers an extraordinary encounter, joining excitement, interest, and learning in an astounding setting. .

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The primary motivation behind the aquarium is to disperse marine data, help science ventures, and help improve educational establishments. The Danish firm of architecture, 3XN, won the international architecture competition. The new National Aquarium Denmark – Den Blå Planet is currently a reality.

The first aquarium of Denmark was situated in Charlottenlund, yet this facility shut in 2012 and the majority of the aquatic animals’ accumulation was migrated to the new and a lot bigger aquarium Den Blå in Kastrup, a suburb of Copenhagen.

Den Blå Planet resembles a whirlpool when seen from above. National Aquarium Denmark, Den Blå Planet has water on all side and is expected to give the guests a sentiment of being under water. From the passage, visitors venture into the vortex of the whirlpool – the bent entryway – and from here are drown out to the 53 aquariums and installations.

The foundation Bygningsfonden Den Blå Planet is behind the construction of the new Denmark’s Aquarium at Kastrup Harbour in the Municipality of Tårnby. The foundation leases the building to the National Aquarium Denmark – Den Blå Planet.Roughly, 12.5 million DKK were spent on changes and redesigns of the aquarium and, in the principal year of presence, the aquarium got around 1.3 million guests – twice as many as expected.

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