FeatureInterior Sense

Harmonize with water

Written by Tasmiah Chowdhury

What can be a better way to feel you free than moving with the flow of water and meander wherever it wishes to go? The easiest way to get your life to calmness and soothe is to bring the energy of the water element into your space; be it a home or office space.

Let’s see how to integrate the powerful water element considered in the feng shui system, and how to do your best in expressing the water feng shui in your space; taking tips and tricks from architect Muhammad Ariful Islam, CEO of Zero Inch Interior’s Ltd.

Fountains and Aquariums
The simplest and most straightforward way to bring the water element into space is with flowing and moving water. For example, you can bring a small tabletop fountain; place it at the corner of your desk and see the flow of Chi energy gradually coming to your life. The aquarium is one of the other commonest forms of water décor implied in homes that brings a fancy fun twist. Architect Muhammad Ariful Islam suggests if the aquarium is located in a room that is dry; it helps to balance the energy by adding humidity to the air. The moving water in the aquarium has the power to revitalize energy that was stagnant or dormant.

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If you find it difficult to place or maintain a fountain or aquarium, then simply take a glass bowl filled with water. You can change the way it is decorated everyday; adding floating candles or lovely fresh petals.

Little Interior Ponds
Little ponds are a great idea to go for if you wish to infuse the mesmerizing nature and warmth in your home ambience. You can create a place with a strong visual appeal. A little sun, a little shade, a few fish and plants, and you have got your eco-system in your yard or your home. Interacting with the fish, feeding and observing them will surely provide hours of relaxation for you.

Reflective Mirrors
Watery objects create pure reflection. For which, mirrors and crystals both evoke the water element. A mirror can substantially change the flow of energy in any given space. From architect Muhammad Ariful Islam, a mirror placed in a way that reflects a beautiful view from the garden will draw good feng shui energy int your space. So be sure you use mirrors for best feng shui in your home or office space.

Blue Vases and Décor Elements
The water feng shui element is represented with blues of every hue and black. You can bring a strong presence of water elements with décor items such as tall vases or pots. Architect Muhammad Ariful Islam encourages to bring home décor items such as pillows, throws, rugs or curtains in colours of water and to go for natural fabrics, such as silk, velvet, or cotton to create a strong presence of water feng shui element. Isn’t water accessories is the most fun way to décor your home with?

Blue Colour Wall Paint
One of the easiest ways to bring the water feng shui element is to paint with the water element colour. The water feng shui element colours are blue and black.

Feel free to colour a featured wall with a deep blue shade or a fresh navy blue shade; or any shade of blue of your choice.

Feng shui is all about living in harmony with your surroundings, and incorporating water element can certainly help reduce the feelings of stress while evoking feelings of calm and stability. So how are you bringing the feng shui water element into your home?


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