FeatureNeat Nooks

A Warm Gust Of Nostalgia- Beatles Café

Beatles Café is undoubtedly one of those places that take your breath away at first glance, not with opulence or luxury, not with quirky contemporary art but with a nostalgia so potent you cannot help but surrender to it.
The café effortlessly recreates an effect reminiscent of a 19th century French Café. Dark, gleaming and simple woodwork, clear glass windows, old-fashioned lamps and black and white awning come together to perfect the look. It brings to mind the architecture during Belle Époque, between 1871 and the beginning of the First World War in 1914. The architecture of Paris created during this time frame was notable for its variety of different styles. Both new and traditional materials were used in this time. Beatles café is certainly a much simpler version of this décor style. To add to the charm, subtle stencil of vinyl records on the windows pay tribute to the cafés namesake, The Beatles. Trendy orange and yellow lights and the stack of books put the finishing touch on this masterpiece.
If you were to come across this quaint little establishment on a rainy day, you would certainly be tempted inside with the invigorating scent of their coffee, the inviting furniture and the alluring books scattered all around. Certainly, in this little café time slows and transports you back in an era when life was much simpler.

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