
Monjur Rashid’s Intimate Travels Held at Shilpangan Gallery

The Contemporary Art Gallery Shilpangan held the solo art show of artist Monjur Rashid, titled “Intimate Travel” on November 26th. Eminent critic and writer Moinuddin Khalded inaugurated the show where artist Abdullah Al Mahmud was the special guest. The exhibition continued till the 9th of December.

Artist Monjur Rashid’s “Intimate Travels” is the reflection of the observations he has made of his environment.  His artworks captures the moods and emotions of people’s stories. His work has people, nature, flora and fauna in diverse situations in them.  Through this exhibition we get to experience the unknown stories and profiles in Monjur’s artistic depictions. Monjur’s works also show connectivity and human relationships. He has beautifully portrayed the tribulations and the repercussions on relations and the evolution of communication that is materialized through letters and pigeons.

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