
3D Virtual Exhibition Launched at EMK Center

EMK Center launched its 3D virtual exhibition website with the inauguration ceremony of Ink Bangladesh 2020. Earlier in mid-October, EMK Center launched an open call and received more than 500 submissions from artists from five countries including Bangladesh. A total of 172 individual artists submitted their artwork. Through a process of double screening, 100 artworks of 59 artists were chosen for the exhibition.

Individuals from India, Germany and the U.S. have participated in the exhibition too. The exhibition was inaugurated on November 18 and will continue till December 31, 2020. The exhibition can be visited virtually through EMK Center’s official website. This year due to the pandemic, EMK Center will be organizing this exhibition using Kunstmatrix, a unique tool that enables artists and exhibition organizers to create beautiful 3D showcases of artworks to impress art lovers and collectors. It helps to digitally present and manage art, including an augmented reality app to show a preview of the work in any space of preference.

For this global movement, artists are not required to follow any theme. The common practice is to keep on practicing. The rules can be found on Inktober’s official website. It is just to make a drawing in ink, post it on social media, hashtag it with #inktober and #inktober2020 and repeat. The exhibition, INK Bangladesh 2020 is a continuation project of the EMK Center. Every year in November to inspire young artists, who actively takes part in the Inktober movement, the EMK Center announces an open call and receives artworks.

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